Wednesday, August 22, 2012

a different world!

well this is my FIRST blog! LOL hope I get it right.  Ok I would like to talk about the HUGE difference in the way people act,think and look at life from living in the country/south to the big city.  I won't say the exact city but it is in southern Pa.  I was raised in the small town in Va.  I then joined the Navy and soon after married a marine.   We lived in SC for over 25 yrs.  All but three of my children were born there.   I actually hated living there and couldn't wait to move!  My only daughter had moved to Pa. with her daughter. After living in Pa. for almost a year I could sense she needed her momma! she was expecting her seond baby.   So, my son and my boyfriend packed everything we could and stored the rest.  We came to Pa. in 2006.  I would like to say that our experience here in pa. was good, but I can't.   It has been life changing for us to say the least! It is like a TOTALLY different world from the south!! They even speak a language here I don't know!! Like "burrow" I thought a burrow was a hole in the ground that rabbits live in.   Well up here it is like a small town!! OK! LOL or what is this thing with the insurance called "tort"! wth??? Not everyone is like this, but there are ALOT of rude, nasty, ppl here.   Where I come from it's normal to smile at a complete stranger.   Or common curtesy.   How anyone could live in any city is beyond me.  It is like a dark black cloud hovers over this place.   I NEVER saw so many ppl that are so unhappy and take it out on others .  I guess if u were born and raised in this kind of enviroment then I guess it is all they know.  When I go home to my dad's in Va. it is so quiet and stress free.  I never want to leave! LOL I know one thing when I FINALLY get out of this horrid city, I will NEVER come back!!

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